Services we can provide
Schematic Circuit Designs
Printed Circuit Board Designs
Solder Stencils
Enclosure Prototypes
Board Assembly
Troubleshooting and Repair
We can make solder stencils!
Engineering Experts has invested in a stencil
cutting machine that is capable of cutting
mylar, polyimide, and many other types of
materials with resolution smaller than 0.5mm pin
We added 3D printing capability!
The ability to make almost instant 3D
prototypes is amazing.  Our machine build area
is up to 9" X 6" X 6" and has layer accuracy to
0.1mm.  This capability is a must for quick
prototypes and beating the competition to
Power + USB at the same time
Everywhere you look there seems to be a
new tablet computer being marketed... but
can you use USB peripherals and charge at
the same time with one port?  Check it out!
Engineering Experts
Copyright © 2015 by Engineering Experts  ·  All Rights reserved  ·  E-Mail:
PO Box 77
Keyport, WA  98311
Tel: 1-360-358-5615
Engineering Experts